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Hopscotch is one game that will never fade away. Growing up, it was our major outdoor game with everyone waiting to take turns and praying that the current person errs—a very lively and enjoyable game. In Lagos state and other southwestern regions of Nigeria, it is called “Suwe“, while in the southeast, it is called “Obi Chikolobi”.  It is played by drawing a long rectangle, usually on a sandy floor, and splitting it into double sections. Players hop around those small sections on one foot, trying to make it around the drawn rectangle. 

Aside from the fact that this game is enjoyable and competitive, it has many benefits for kids playing it. If your kids are the type that spends more time on screen or indoor, then this is one sure outdoor game that can help them put their entire body at work. 

The rule of the game requires that the player engages in some form of homolateral movement by jumping on one foot around the square boxes drawn. This can be a form of balance training as it strengthens the muscles that help maintain balance, including the legs and core. For kids, it can improve their stability and help prevent falls. Again, it develops their cognitive skills and coordination. As they are jumping around the boxes on one leg, it’s developing their neural pathways that assist the brain’s parts; left and right, to think accordingly. 

Because today’s kids are fixated with technology, there are chances that they don’t even know what Hopscotch is, let alone knowing how to play it. Here is how to play Hopscotch if you need to teach them this during the summer holiday. 

  • Draw a traditional hopscotch diagram. You can use a stick to draw the lines on sandy soil or use chalk to play on a  pavement or a concrete floor. If you’re playing inside, just in case that is the only option you have, you can use coloured chalk or a temporary marker to draw the line. 
  • Throw a small stone or a pebble into the first square. If it lands on a line or outside the square, you lose your turn. Pass the pebble to the next player and wait for your next turn.
  • Hop on one foot into the first empty square and every other empty square. Be sure to skip the box where your pebble falls in.
  • At the pairs (4-5 and 7-8), jump with both feet.
  • At 10, hop with both feet, turn around, and head back toward the start.
  • When you reach the marked square again, pick up the pebble still on one foot and complete the course.
  • If you finish without any mistakes, pass the pebble to the next player. On your next turn, throw the marker to the next number.
  • If you fall, jump outside the lines, or miss a square or the marker, you lose your turn and must repeat the same number on your next turn whoever reaches ten first wins.

Over the years, people have redefined the game to make it more fun and competitive. This now gives the game variations. One of which is the timing method. You can set the timer for 30 seconds. Each player must complete the course within the time frame to proceed. If you go into overtime, you lose your turn. So you must be fast!

Sure this makes sense. This weekend, go try it out with your kids and have some fun. 

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