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21st century skills

Teamwork is a core skill every parent must teach their kids to help them engage with others. Learning to work together (collaboration) is part of the four Cs of 21st-century education, which can help your child hone many social skills necessary for the future. Research shows that by working together in small groups, children can develop critical thinking skills, exchange knowledge, share expertise, increase motivation and improve their attitudes toward learning. 

This will not happen overnight; parents must intentionally instil the right attitude that promotes team spirit in their kids from a young age. From learning to be empathetic, give and take, share, take turns, play to their strengths and draw in other people to fill the gaps, kids become better team players and build relationships seamlessly. 

Do you want to teach your kids how to be excellent teammates and to be able to collaborate when they find themselves in a team?  Whatever your child ends up doing as a job, they have to work with other people. 

Here are just a few tips to help you build team spirit in your child.  

Tip 1. Sign Kids Up for Organized Activities

Children love fun stuff. Place your child in an extracurricular activity that involves teamwork and cooperating with a group. This is absolutely a great way to teach them the value of teamwork. Great examples include team sports, Scouts, chess club, yearbook committee, dance class, music, etc. These activities help kids understand the “we “  concept rather than focusing on the “me”.  They also help kids engage freely with others and build relationships. 

Tip 2. Teach Kids to Encourage Others

Teach kids to encourage and cheer for their fellow teammates at sports events and praise their classmates’ academic accomplishments. You can also play a scenario for them by asking that If they were performing on stage or the field and the rest of their teammates are cheering and applauding tirelessly for them, how would they feel? Sure the answer would be encouraged or motivated. This feeling of motivation leads to better performance which is a win for not just him or her as an individual but the whole team. Teach kids to look outside of their bubbles and notice the needs of others.

Tip 3. Embrace Group Socialization and Bonding

What is the essence of teaching without giving room for practice? Encourage kids to join various games and activities that build teamwork in a group environment. Don’t limit your child’s social life to school activities only. Parents can organize some of these teamwork-based games intended for all age groups for playdates, birthday parties, commuting volunteering works, and other similar activities. This helps kids bond quickly and makes them able to work and relate with people from various walks of life.

Tip 4. Teach kids to value diversity

One essential thing kids need to learn is to value diversity. Teach kids that people are different, and they would find themselves in a cluster of different people who have different identities and personalities, but that shouldn’t be a problem. Teach them to respect and appreciate each other’s viewpoints and focus on the main goal the team was created to achieve.

Tip 5. Use the fun approach to teach kids the  importance of teamwork 

Fun and kids are inseparable, and it is an excellent way of teaching kids anything. Kids love to read and also be read to. Read books that offer practical lessons on teamwork to your kids. Also, you can engage them with digital games that teach teamwork. For example, the multiplayer versions of Fortnite and Minecraft offer collaboration and cooperation lessons. 9ijakids games like sportsmanship are also designed to teach kids the importance of teamwork. 

You can also make chores fun in the house to teach teamwork by letting kids do cleaning up together to beat the  timer 

Tip 6. Teach Kids to Encourage Others

The best teaching experiences start from home.  Share age-appropriate responsibilities with your kids; this teaches them how to work together to reach a goal.  Teach and demonstrate to your kids that a successful household thrives because of everyone’s cooperation. Also, model teamwork by simply making dinner plans together and giving everyone a role to play towards the preparation. 

Learning to work as part of a team will help your child hone many social skills, such as patience, empathycommunication, respect for others, compromise and toleranceIt also helps them develop confidence in themselves and trust in other people. These skills will help your child grow up into becoming a successful adult. 

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